The Hidden Wonders of St. Peter's Square
Ascension TeamIf we don't pay close attention, we can easily miss the wonders of St. Peter's Square. In this special episode of All Things Catholic, Dr. Sri explains the rich theological and historical symbolism behind the incredible design of St. Peter's Square, from its majestic dome to the hundreds of saintly statues on Bernini's columns.
Snippet from the Show
St. Peter's Square symbolizes the Church's outreach to the world.
An Inside Look at St. Peter's Square: Key Takeaways
- The architecture of St. Peter's Basilica conveys profound theological truths.
- The obelisk represents the triumph of Christianity over paganism.
- The Cross is central to the identity of the Catholic Church.
- The Church consists of the triumphant, the pilgrim, and the suffering.
- Historical events shape the significance of the Vatican.
- Unity among the diverse backgrounds of the faithful is a hallmark of the Church.
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- Mar 21-22: Minneapolis / St. Paul Archdiocese Men's Conference - Coon Rapids, MN
- Mar 26-27: Holy Family Parish Mission - Wayzata, MN
- April 4-5: Parish of the Resurrection - Nashua, NH
- April 5: Men's Conference - Worcester, MA
- Apr 9-10: St. Ann's Parish Mission - Sherman, TX
- May 16-17: Ave Maria Retreat - Ave Maria, FL
- June 22-30: Rome Pilgrimage - Italy
- Aug 2-5: Grand Getaway - Mackinac Island, MI
- Aug 9: Emmaus: Diocesan Family Conference - Gary, IN
- Oct 8: Legatus - Jacksonville, FL
- Visit Dr. Sri’s website at www.edwardsri.com and to book online events with Dr. Sri email events.edwardsri@gmail.com
- Find more of Dr. Sri’s episodes at www.ascensionpress.com/allthingscatholic
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