The Bible Has Answers

The Bible Has Answers

Jeff Cavins

Are you looking for answers to the big questions in life? Are you looking for instructions on how to live your life? Jeff Cavins shares how so many of the answers we seek can be found in the Bible, He also gives advice on how to approach the Bible.

Snippet from the Show
In the Bible, God reveals his heart and his plan for all people.

The Cultural Research Center
  • In the last six years, attendance at Evangelical churches from 56% of adults attending church once a month to 35%
  • Bible Reading: 37% read the Bible outside of a service dropped to 33%
  • Only 55% of Evangelicals believe that we are born sinners and need Jesus Christ.
  • ⅓ of the attendees don’t believe they will go to Heaven when they die.
Why People Should Want to Read and Study the Bible
  1. It reveals who God is and what his plan is for the world.
  2. It reveals who we are in our relationship with God.
  3. It reveals the truth.
  4. It provides wisdom for living.
  5. It teaches us about relationships.
  6. Family Living: It teaches us what it means to be a man, husband, father, woman, wife, mother
  7. It instructs on how to respond to emotional upheavals like anger, depression, envy, unforgiveness, lust, deception, and money.

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