Feeling Attacked? Call the Saints!

Feeling Attacked? Call the Saints!

Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle

Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle reveal how the saints can help us in our battles of spiritual warfare. They share why honoring the saints does not detract from God and explain how you can draw closer to your patron saint. Dave also shares a personal story of how a saint saved his life.

Snippet from the Show
 Let the saints be the saints and do their saintly thing. They want to be our allies for a reason because we are in Christ.



The Saints and Spiritual Warfare

Exorcisms begin with the litany of saints. The saints are incredibly important because they are people who have defeated the forces of evil.

How to Grow Closer to the Saints

  1. Find the saints that are already in your life, perhaps your namesake or your confirmation saint
  2. Pray their novena
  3. Read a spiritual book or biography on them
  4. Give a special cause or intention to them

Quote from the Episode

“Catholicism radically upholds the dignity of creation. Every man and woman is made in the image of God. 'I' involves my body every bit as much as my soul. The Incarnation means the Creator became a creature. Redemption means that Christ was both High Priest and Sacrificial Victim at the same time, reconciling us by his body of flesh. Moreover, he rose bodily from the dead for our justification. Moreover, his body will never see corruption as it is glorified and ascended into heaven. Moreover, we too will receive the resurrection of the body at the end of all things. Between his Resurrection and ours is the life of the Church, which is called the Body of Christ. Within that Church God communicates himself through the sacraments, the height of which is the Body and Blood of Christ, the Holy Eucharist. And we believe that when the image of God is baptized by water and the Holy Spirit, he or she is a new creation, destined for a life of grace that will lead to glory, a treasure in earthen vessels of unsurpassable worth.

All that is to say, the veneration of relics means a saint is so graced by the Holy Spirit that his or her remains are still filled with the grandeur of God and worthy of honor.”


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