Relying on God Amid the Stresses of Christmas Week
Do you find it difficult to maintain your spiritual focus during this beautiful (yet sometimes stressful) holiday season? In today’s episode, Dr. Sri encourages us to maintain our focus on Christ this Christmas by creatively making time for prayer when we find ourselves outside our normal routines. Remember: the Lord really appreciates it when we just try.
Snippet from the Show
"Did Mary unplug from prayer during the Nativity? No, she maintained her spiritual focus."
What obstacles to prayer do you encounter during the holidays?
- Being Out of Routine
- Packing/Traveling
- Buying Presents/Gift-giving
- Stressful Situations with Family and Friends
- Loneliness
- Grief
Get Creative! Here are Ways to Make Room for Jesus this Christmas:
Take the family on a short visit to a local church
Pray at a Manger Scene
Visit Jesus in Adoration
- Give Your Spouse the Gift of Time in Prayer
One spouse watches the kids while the other spends time in prayer in another room. Then vice versa! - Adjust Your Schedule
Rise Earlier!
Stay up later! - Prayer Can Be Done Anywhere!
An Airplane
A Car
A Hotel Bathroom
Mother Mary Lived This Well
Out of her routine, traveling
Encountered obstacles in Bethlehem
“But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:19