Persistently Crying Out to God

Persistently Crying Out to God

The Ascension Team

If you cry out to God day and night, God will not turn his face away from you. I continue to share another parish talk I recently gave as part of a series on evangelizing your loved ones. Today I share about the power of persistent prayer and the different types of prayer the Catholic faith offers us to intercede for our loved ones.

Snippet from the Show

St. Monica persistently prayed and waited for God to move in her son’s life. When God finally moved, Augustine converted. We don’t always perceive the mystery of God’s will and working, but we need to surrender to his time table and trust that he is always on time.

Persistently Crying Out to God

  1. Pray Persistently
  2. Pray for an Ambrose to step into your loved one’s life
  3. Pray for Monica’s intercession
  4. Make time in your schedule to pray for your loved ones
  5. Make Concrete and specific resolutions
  6. Pray the Rosary.
  7. Pray novenas.
  8. Do a Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament
  9. Do a Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
  10. Equip Yourself with the Bible and the Catechism.

Fasting for Your Loved Ones' Conversion

  1. Fast for the right purpose
  2. Fast for the right purpose
  3. Fast humbly (not showy)
  4. Fast from nonfood items
  5. Fast from things you enjoy
  6. Fast in small doses
  7. Fast for your child, a pray simply whenever you experience longing
  8. Offer Up Your Sufferings
  9. Rely on the Holy Spirit


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