Overcoming Obstacles in Discipleship (with Annie Grandell)
The Ascension Team
How do we overcome some of the primary obstacles in discipleship? Dave and Mike are joined by Annie Grandell from YDisciple to discuss some of the obstacles in discipling young people and how to overcome them.
Snippet from the Show Programs do not make disciples. People make disciples.
Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle are joined by Annie Grandell from YDisciple. Together they discuss the concept of discipleship for young people and some of the common struggles in it. They offer encouragement on moving from a program-based ministry to discipleship.
Annie Grandell is the Director of YDisciple. The goal of YDisciple is to help parishes engage the youth of their parish and form them into disciples. YDisciple does this by offering resources to train adults to be disciple-makers. They then assist in launching small groups for the youth of your parish so as to form them into young disciples.