Our Favorite Movies and Books…We May Surprise You!
Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle
What sorts of movies and books do people like Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle enjoy? In this casual, but very entertaining, conversation, Mike and Dave share some of their favorite movies, television shows, and books. They also explain the impact some of them had on their lives.
Snippet from the Show "I taped it off of the television and watched it so many times that it broke!"
All Time Favorite Movies
Mike: Braveheart,The Matrix, John Wick, Dune Dave: Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Great Balls of Fire, Warrior
Favorite Book Turned into a Movie
Dave: Quo Vadis Mike: The Godfather
Movie They’re Ashamed to Like
Mike: Barbie Dave: Blood Sport
All Time Favorite TV Show(s)
Mike: Seinfeld, Simpsons Dave: The Office, LOST
Favorite Non-Theology Books
Dave: Quo Vadis, Peace Like a River, Power and the Glory Mike: The Iliad, Till We Have Faces