Origins of Spiritual Warfare
What are the origins of spiritual warfare? Why don’t we get to live in the Garden of Eden when it was Adam and Eve who sinned? What’s one of the best practical tips for avoiding sin? Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle wrestle with these questions and more in this episode of Every Knee Shall Bow as they explore the Fall in Genesis 3.
Snippet from the Show
You've been co-crucified with Christ and you have risen in Christ's Resurrection because of the Sacrament of Baptism…so that you can actually overcome sin.
Bible References
Genesis 2-3
Romans 5:12-21 - The "reign of sin and death"
Romans 7:13-25 - "Sin that dwells within me"
Romans 6: 12-23 - "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies..."
Information on the Fall
- It’s important to consider the Fall in spiritual warfare because Adam is representative of what all men would face in the Garden.
- The Old Testament is not a “Plan A” that failed, it is a single story that culminates in salvation.
- Original Sin applies to all of us, not because we are all guilty, but because Adam was our forefather. In the same way, the children of a man who is evicted from his house are not personally at fault but are still unable to live in the house.
- A fallen man has a tendency to try to control everything in his life. And so over the next few weeks, as you're listening, just ask the Lord to take the spirit of control away from you and to try every day to practice not trying to control every situation you walk into.