On Summer and Scandal

On Summer and Scandal

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Welcome to Season 4! We are so excited to start our new season in collaboration with Ascension. In our first episode we talk about our summers and introduce ourselves to our new listeners. Most importantly, though, we share our perspectives and our journeys through the ongoing news of the scandals within the Church.

One Thing We Love This Week:

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think is your role to play in restoring beauty in the Church?

2. In your stages of grieving the scandals in the Church, how can you invite Jesus in to heal and restore your heart?

3. What are some practical ways you can pray for the victims of abuse and the restoration of the Church?

Journal Questions:

1. What is holding you back from something that God is calling you to do?

2. Who is someone that you can encourage to offer their gifts in a specific way?

3. How is God calling you to be a part of the renewal of the Church?

Quote to Ponder:

“Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.” - St. Augustine

Download the Questions Here
Meet Your Hosts
Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym. If you would like to contact the ladies of Abiding Together, email: abidingtogether@ascensionpress.com.
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