New Year, New Role

New Year, New Role

The Ascension Team

New year, new role, new opportunities for evangelization. Today, Gomer and Dave “the taxman“ VanVickle talk about practical ways to kickstart evangelization at your parish in the new year.

“Having solid relationships just means that the tasks and mission of the Church is going to flow that much easier. You’re investing in the people around you so that they can be invested in the mission.”



  • get off on the right foot with the secretaries
  • send time with parish staff members one-on-one
  • get to know stakeholders: Knights of Columbus, women’s groups, etc.
  • community influencers and such, like parents, coaches, etc.
  • employees and clergy need to be connected


  • Spiritual/Devotional Outreach and Evangelistic Outreach
  • Sacramental Preparation needs to more Kerygmatic, more Community, more Prayerful
  • “Gee, it would be nice if we could bring back this” - Build political capital with your people
  • Look for norms and protocols for hospitality
  • Liturgy and Life - you’ll hit a lot of folks because even committed Catholics don’t understand the liturgy and how to bridge it into their lives

Bonus Tips

  • Build a relationship with someone to unburden your heart, because you will have bad days
  • Understand Marketing Strategy


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