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Lent Week 4 - The Life I Wish I Had

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Today on the Abiding Together Podcast, Sister Miriam, Michelle and Heather continue the conversation in week 4 of Lent with Fr. Jacques Philippe’s book Searching for and Maintaining Peace.

We talk about the frequent human experience of wishing that we had a different life or circumstance than the one we really have. We discuss how the enemy can block us from understanding where God is in our suffering and that the key is to allow the Holy Spirit to change our hearts and open our eyes to a new perspective.

"The life that God gives me is where saints are made." -Sister Miriam James

One Thing We Love This Week

Discussion Questions

  1. Where is the enemy trying to make you believe that real life is elsewhere?
  2. We are not called to do life on our own. Where do you need to invite the Holy Spirit into your life to be your comforter and guide?
  3. What is one situation where you need a new perspective, given by God, on your life circumstances?

Journal Questions

  1. Do I pay attention to see how God is providing for me? How can I pay attention to my life in a deeper way and not just go through the motions?
  2. Take some time to delight in God and his movement in your life. Journal about what comes to mind.
  3. In the main circumstances in your life right now, what is your heart really longing for? Take time this week to invite God into that longing.

Quote to Ponder

“We often live with this illusion, but it’s often an error. It’s not the exterior circumstances that must change, it’s above all our hearts.” —Fr. Jacques Philippe

Scripture for Lectio Divina - John 10:10

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

Meet Your Hosts

Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym.

If you would like to contact the ladies of Abiding Together, email us at

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