Is There a Danger of Loving Mary More Than Jesus?

Is There a Danger of Loving Mary More Than Jesus?

Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle

Mary is incredible. She plays a massive role in salvation. She is good and loving. However, is there a chance that we could show her too much devotion or love her too much? Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle take up this question as they discuss consecration to Mary. They explain what consecration to Mary means and what it could do for your life.

Snippet from the Show
Mary’s whole life radiates Christ. So, to be consecrated to Mary means that we are also consecrated to Christ.

Quotations from St. Louis de Montfort
  • Very holy people will be born. They will come to holiness by means of a singular devotion to the Blessed Virgin, whom they held in their minds and in their hearts as the most perfect model of holiness and rich source of divine graces. God will raise up these saints, especially toward the end of the world, through Mary, His Mother, so that these souls full of grace and zeal, resist the enemies of God, who will arise with fury from every side.
  • For, just as through Mary began salvation, so too through her, salvation will be fulfilled.
Quotation from St. Maximilian Kolbe

Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.

Information on Marian Consecration

Militia of the Immaculata Website

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