Human Evolution, Moral Relativism, and What to Expect in Heaven

Human Evolution, Moral Relativism, and What to Expect in Heaven

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh answers questions on the Catholic view on human evolution, moral relativism, and what to expect in heaven.

In heaven, our hearts will finally find rest in the infinite love of God.


Hey Fr. Josh,

What does the Catholic Church mention about evolution and the history of homo sapiens? Is evolution actually linked and dated back with church history?


Moral Relativism

Hi Fr. Josh,

I have a question about moral relativism. In our modern day culture it has become very popular to believe that there is no absolute truth and that morality is subjective. Sayings like-" you do you", "yolo" or "live your own truth" are very common. How do we embrace Jesus Christ as the truth and truly come to believe that what the Church teaches is the truth when it comes to morality? In a secular culture that tells us that certain moral codes are simply social constructs, how do I practically put on the mind of Christ so I can remain grounded in the truth.

- Jack

What is Heaven Like

Hello Fr.Josh. Avid listener here. I love your podcast, it makes me feel more inspired about connecting to Jesus as I am already trying to develop a relationship with him. I have a question about heaven. What is it like? I believe I heard we won’t have our human form bodies in heaven? Will we be able to be and spend time with other family members there ? Will we be able to look down and watch over the people we have left behind in our earthly world? I have been attempting to dwell on heaven but I just wanted a clearer picture on how it really is. Thank you.

- Anonymous


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