How to Teach Your Children the Truth About Sexuality

How to Teach Your Children the Truth About Sexuality

The Ascension Team

Theology of the Body teaches the positive and beautiful message of sexuality within the context of human and divine love. How do we communicate this good news to our children? How do we reject and avoid the pornographic culture while not instilling fear of sexuality or hatred of the body? And what is chastity, really? Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle answer these questions and more.

Snippet from the Show
Protecting our children’s innocence is not the same as keeping them naive.

Points to Leave You With
  1. Fall in love with your spouse all over again. Do the hard work of that reciprocity of love.
  2. The best form of marital catechesis that you can give is a marriage lived well. Your kids need to see that you are a priority in each other’s lives.
  3. We can often understand that our catechesis on chastity comes from a place of fear. You don’t want to do that. Scale back from fear and look for the bigger “Yes.” Share the bigger, broader view of love.
  4. Chastity is not something I have that I can lose. Chastity is a virtue that I need to acquire by specific, deliberate, and repeated effort. The goal is to have that self-discipline we need in particular situations
  5. Always catechize your children on the Church’s sexual teaching in an age appropriate manner. Safeguard and protect their innocence.
Practical Takeaway

Think and pray about how you want to share the theology of the body with your children. Think through your own experiences of learning about sexuality and chastity. What do you want to replicate and what do you want to avoid?

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