How to Become an Amateur Theologian

How to Become an Amateur Theologian

Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle

Is there a right way to study theology? In order to communicate the truths of our faith, it is incredibly helpful to study it well. Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle give their recommendations for how to approach theology so that you can help others know God better. They also share some of the current books and writings they are currently reading.

Snippet from the Show
Knowledge is the first step of love. To love God, you need to know him.

Start with the Creed

The Creed is like the pathway for studying theology. It is your guide and will help you organize what you need to study. If you use the Creed as your “study outline,” you will not lose sight of the goal and you will stay on track.

Also, Start with the Catechism

If the Creed is your pathway, the Catechism is the walls alongside the pathway to keep you on the path. The Catechism is incredibly dense with what we believe as Catholics. Pay attention to the paragraphs in the margins. The paragraphs listed in the margins are those paragraphs that relate to the paragraph you are currently in. Another resource for reading the Catechism is the Compendium. Finally, looking up and reading the resources listed in the Catechism will help further your understanding.

Study the Heresies and How the Church Responded

Oftentimes, when we hear heresies summarized, it seems obvious why they are wrong. However, if you really study them, it can become apparent why the heresy developed in the first place. As you study the heresies, be sure to also study how the Church responded. Figure out where the heretic went wrong.

Resources for Studying the Catechism
What Mike and Dave Are Currently Reading
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