What does it mean to "Keep holy the Sabbath"? What does that look like in real family life? This week I am sharing some thoughts and encouraging you to share your ideas for setting Sundays apart as a day of rest and worship.
4 Tips to Keep Sunday Holy
Go to Mass, and also add some other prayer to our day.
Share a meal together, make some special food, or enjoy a dessert.
Avoid doing our "regular" work.
Do engage in some "good" work on Sunday.
This week, we hear from listeners Ashley and David. Ashley shares her struggles with being a mom in a "small" Catholic family and the cross she carries of having lost 2 children and discerning whether she and her family can take more loss. Thank you, Ashley, for sharing your perspective so beautifully with all of us.
David shares his thoughts on prayerfully discerning family size and also his (crazy!) recent 50 mile race. He survived! God is good!