couple wearing marriage rings hold hands

This Is Why Your Marriage Isn’t Perfect Yet

Danielle Bean
Your marriage is the most important relationship you have. It is the foundation upon which your entire family life is built. If we are not careful, though, we can fall into bad habits and run the risk of taking our spouses for granted. Do you want better than that? I know I do! Today I encourage you to think about some ways in which you might be falling into bad habits or negative spirals in your relationship with your spouse, along with four ideas for improvement.
  1. Making bad assumptions.
Do you assume the worst about your spouse’s intentions, especially inside of conflict? Many of us do this out of insecurity or defensiveness, but it’s not fair and hurts your relationship.
  1. Having unspoken expectations.
Do you have problems, expectations, wants and desires that you fail to communicate to your spouse? And then do you wind up feeling disappointed when he fails to meet your unspoken expectations? We need to be clear in our communication, especially about expectations in marriage.
  1. Apathy
Have you gotten lazy in your relationship? What small efforts and kindnesses have you let slide in recent years? Think about it and demand better from yourself. Your marriage is worth the investment!
  1. Negative Communication Habits
Step outside your relationship for a moment and observe patterns of behavior, especially between you and your spouse during moments of conflict. What habits have you fallen into? What dumb arguments do you have over and over again? Find out the role you play in these habits and make a change. At the end of the show I share an excerpt from my new book from Ascension, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth as well as details about how you can sign up to pre-order here and get a free copy of the companion journal for You Are Enough! I cannot wait to share this book with you!

Snippet from the Show

It’s not your spouse’s job to make you happy. It’s their job to get you to heaven.

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