Here are the Answers to Your Prayer Excuses
Do you make prayer excuses? Don’t lie. We all come up with creative ways to avoid doing what we know we should do—pray! In this week’s show, I share some ways to respond to ourselves when we are tempted to make up excuses for why we aren’t praying more. The excuses we cover:
Some Places I Will Be July 31-August 1, 2018: Catholic Marketing Network, Lancaster, PA September 9-11, 2018: St. Laurence Parish, Sugarland, TX
- I don’t have time.
- I will do it later.
- I get distracted.
- My family is almost never all home at once.
- I don’t know what to say.
- I’m too tired.
Some Places I Will Be July 31-August 1, 2018: Catholic Marketing Network, Lancaster, PA September 9-11, 2018: St. Laurence Parish, Sugarland, TX