The Girlfriends Guide to Fasting

The Girlfriends Guide to Fasting

Danielle Bean
We've already talked about different ways we can add prayer and almsgiving to our Lenten observances this year, but this week I would like to focus on fasting as a spiritual practice. Learn ways to stay on track with your fasting and make it a meaningful part of your Lent. Don't be afraid to be creative and flexible when planning to fast; make sure prayer is a part of your plan; offer up the fasting for someone else—these are just three of the ideas shared in this episode of the Girlfriends podcast.
  1. Be creative and flexible
Fasting can of course mean going for a length of time without eating anything, but you can experiment with different lengths of time, different times of day, etc. Also, you might consider only fasting from certain foods (a common Lenten practice) if you are pregnant, nursing, or have some other reason why fasting is not a good idea for you this year.
  1. Make sure prayer is part of it
They say fasting without prayer is just a diet. True! Make sure you add a prayer component to your times of fasting.
  1. Do it for someone else
Fasting is a sacrifice that you can offer up for someone else's benefit, or for a specific intention. I have been fasting/praying for specific people this Lent, and I find it is a powerful way to "pray all day" as well as remind myself of the power of prayer.
  1. Start small
You don't need to begin with declaring a 5-day fast. Try skipping lunch, or not eating after dinner instead. If that turns out to be too easy, you can always add to the fast later.
  1. Stay busy
Distract yourself with work or other activities during your fast. Do not sit around thinking about how hungry you are.
  1. Drink lots of water
Drinking water will keep you hydrated while fasting, which is important, but also can help ease hunger pangs and replace the "habit" of eating regularly during the times you are fasting.
  1. If you mess up, try again
Don't give up just because you broke your fast one time. That's what the devil wants for you to do. Get back in there and try it again!
Some Places Danielle Will Be:
I hope to meet you! March 10: Danielle will be speaking at the Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference in Rochester, NY March 24: Danielle will be speaking that the Catholic Women of Faith Conference in Nashville, TN
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