7 Ways to Make More Time

7 Ways to Make More Time

Danielle Bean
Have you ever wasted time, avoiding tasks you don’t like to do, only to rush to complete them later? Everyone has certain things they don’t like to do and it is natural to put them off and fill the time with easier tasks. Even when we recognize what our priorities should be, we can sometimes make choices that are in direct conflict with our priorities, and this causes us to waste valuable time. Today, Danielle shares seven practical ways you can get motivated and make the most use of your time each day.


1) Begin the night before
Make a plan for your day the night before, and do some of the "prep" involved ahead of time. Make the appointment you want to have, make sure the right clothes are clean, fill the tank with gas, lay out the right equipment for the household chore you want to accomplish, etc.
2) Banish the snooze button
Just do it! Getting out of bed is sometimes so hard, but it gets easier in a minute or so, and you will start your day with a small success instead of a defeat. NO MORE SNOOZE!
3) Make a list
This can start with your night before prep, but every day you should have written down at least 1 or 2 things that you want to accomplish. This is also freeing of your mind because you do not have to keep a running to-do list in your head if you have it on paper.
4) Break up with the internet
Have regular times of your day where you are "offline" and not distracted by social media, websites, email, etc. You'll be amazed by how much you get done this way!
5) Stop waiting for the perfect time. Use what you have.
Just admit that you have some pockets of time in your day that you normally waste. Use these bits and pieces of time to work on things you want to be doing. The "perfect" time to do it all "perfectly" will never come, so make your peace with the imperfection. Get started, doing whatever you can, today.
6) Be firm in your plan
Once you've set your goals, do not allow yourself to negotiate them away in favor or smaller fleeting pleasures or distractions. Be honest about what you are doing and refuse to sacrifice larger goals for the smaller, less important things.
7) Take control of interrupting thoughts
Do you have distractions? Write them down. You may have 1000 great ideas, but don't let a single one of them to pull you away from doing the work you set out to do at any given time. Write down your distractions and ideas and then get back to the task at hand.
Some Places Danielle Will Be:
I hope to meet you!
March 10: Danielle will be speaking at the Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference in Rochester, NY March 24: Danielle will be speaking that the Catholic Women of Faith Conference in Nashville, TN
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