father and child

Examination of Conscience for Fathers

Jeff Cavins

Jeff is talking with Matthew James Christoff about how men must go deeper in confession to overcome the temptations they face everyday. They go over seven questions fathers can ask themselves in an examination of conscience before they enter the confessional. These questions are directly related to the seven attacks Satan makes on the family.

Snippet from the Show

“If you don’t have an explicit commitment with your bride to ascend in holiness together, disunity starts there.”


7 Keys to Men’s Confessions (according to Matthew James Christoff)

Ask yourself these questions before entering the confessional, based on seven attacks Satan makes on the family:

  1. Satan searches to disrupt the union between man and woman: “Is my unity with my bride in Christ strong, and getting stronger?”
  2. Satan attacks in a way to create chaos: “Have I established and maintained strong paternal authority, order, and a Catholic culture in my family?”
  3. Satan tries to instill lukewarmness in our faith lives: “Am I zealously leading my family in the practices of the Catholic Faith.”
  4. Satan wants us to be ignorant and heretical: “Am I continually evangelizing and catechizing my family?”
  5. Satan wants to attack the family with sin and suffering: “Am I protecting my family physically, mentally, and spiritually?”
  6. Satan wants to draw us into materialism: “Do I provide for the material necessities of my family, while avoiding materialism?”
  7. Satan wants to lure our children into worldliness: “Do I cultivate my family’s spiritual and worldly talents and vocations?”


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