Easy Ways to Practice Mercy this Easter

Easy Ways to Practice Mercy this Easter

Danielle Bean

Do you know that next Sunday we will observe Divine Mercy Sunday? This time of year is a wonderful opportunity to focus on Jesus’ gift of Divine Mercy.

I mention Fr. Chris Alan in today’s episode, and I just found out that he has created a video series on Divine Mercy with Ascension! Click here to sign up to receive exclusive access to this FREE video series!

A great way to celebrate Easter for all fifty days is to plan to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy in your family and in your community in the coming weeks. In this week’s show, I share ideas for creative ways to practice each of the works of mercy.

  1. Feed the Hungry
  2. Give Drink to the Thirsty
  3. Clothe the Naked
  4. Shelter the Homeless
  5. Visit the Sick
  6. Visit the Imprisoned
  7. Bury the Dead

How do you plan to practice mercy in the coming weeks? I would love to hear your ideas!

I also share feedback from listeners Christian and Melissa. Melissa shares how much she loves using the Hallow app for meditative prayer. Check it out for yourself!

Snippet from the Show

“Anybody can do this. In our imperfect ways we can practice this devotion to Jesus .”


My newest book, You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth, is available for order! Use the code, GIRLFRIENDS to receive ten percent off your order. An audio version of the book is also coming soon! I can’t wait to share this book with you!

You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You about Your Mission and Worth


  • Saturday, April 27, 2019: Together in Holiness Marriage Conference in San Antonio, TX
  • Saturday, May 11, 2019: You Are Enough Retreat at Light of the World Roman Catholic Church, Littleton, CO
  • Saturday, June 1, 2019: You Are Enough Retreat, St. Michael’s Parish, Exeter, NH
  • Want me come to your community to speak or give my retreat, You Are Enough, based on the themes in my newest book? Get all the information here!




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