De-Mystifying Mystagogy

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The Easter Vigil Mass is a powerful and exciting time in the life of the Church. But sometimes we can forget that RCIA doesn’t end when the Easter Vigil closes—it continues with a special time called mystagogy, where the newly initiated are brought deeper into the sacramental life. It’s essential that we take mystagogy very seriously, because if we don’t, those who are newly planted in the Faith will have a hard time staying rooted. Tune in for tips to take your neophytes to the next level.
Mystagogy 101
    • Meaning of the word- "leading us in the mystery"
      • Agogos- leader
        • Pedagogy, synagogue
    • Neophyte - those newly planted in the Church
    • What’s different with Mystagogy?
      • No longer focus on instruction, per se, the emphasis is on living the sacramental economy and sacramental life
3 Practical Things to Consider when It Comes to Mystagogy
  1. Not all neophytes came into RCIA from the same place in life, and not all come out of RCIA equally set on fire to be part of the Church.
    • Neophytes have different needs, and we need to continue recognizing and responding to those needs during the time of mystagogy.
  2. Accompaniment is key when it comes to keeping neophytes engaged.
    • Neophytes need to experience a sense of adoption into the Catholic family...not just in the broad sense but in a very personal way
      • Introduce a neophyte to a highly engaged family at the parish so that they can "adopt" them.
      • One reason some newly baptized Catholics stop coming to Mass is that they have no one to sit with and it feels like a very lonely experience.
    • Spend most of your time figuring out how to help these neophytes build relationships that will last after the designated time of mystagogy is over
      • Sometimes that means plugging them into specific ministries, but many times it's more about organic relationship
  3. You need to listen in order to take your neophytes deeper into the sacraments.
    • Where are they in their journey? Encourage them to take the next step. For some, consistent Sunday Mass is that step. For some, it will be once a week Eucharistic adoration. Wherever they are, help them enter deeper into the mystery.
      • They need to process their experience of the Sacraments, and we can help them do this by making time to drop everything and listen to them explain and draw connections. It's no longer time to lecture.
      • This listening can only happen if accompaniment is a priority and strong relationships are built.

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Disclaimer: At Ascension, we are fully committed to the fullness of truth found in the Catholic faith. We also love that while adhering to certain unchangeable truths, Catholics of goodwill can hold and express an abundance of different perspectives and opinions. We want this podcast to be a forum where an open and candid exchange of these views can occur, and as such, the ideas offered by guests on our show are not necessarily representative of Ascension.
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