Dave Teaches Mike (and You) All About Our Lady of Fatima

Dave Teaches Mike (and You) All About Our Lady of Fatima

Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle

What do you know about Our Lady of Fatima? You may know some things, but maybe not as much as Dave VanVickle. Join Mike Gormley as he learns from Dave all about the apparitions and what was revealed to the children. Mike and Dave also discuss some of the common criticisms and how to respond to them.

Snippet from the Show
“Jesus wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world. I promise salvation to those who embrace it; and these souls will be beloved of God like flowers arranged by me to adorn His throne.”
-Our Lady of Fatima

Quotes from Our Lady of Fatima
  • "Well then, you will have much to suffer. But the grace of God will be your comfort."
  • "Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war."
  • “…Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, for she alone can be of any avail.”
  • “Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say many times, especially when you make a sacrifice, ‘O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.'”
  • “Pray, pray much, and sacrifice for sinners, for many souls go to hell because there is no one to sacrifice and pray for them.”
  • “I wish to tell you that I want a chapel built here in my honor. I am the Lady of the Rosary. Continue to pray the rosary every day. The war is going to end, and the soldiers will soon return to their homes.”
Church Document on THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA

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