Be My Guest: Hudson Byblow on Same Sex Attraction, Holy Friendships, and Healing from Pornography

Be My Guest: Hudson Byblow on Same Sex Attraction, Holy Friendships, and Healing from Pornography

Fr. Josh Johnson

Fr. Josh is joined by Hudson Byblow to discuss the Catholic Church's teaching on same-sex attraction, cultivating holy friendships, and healing from pornography.

“The only one who can satiate that infinite ache that we have is an infinite God.”

Glory Story (4:03)

Hudson’s Background (8:37)

Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction (15:49)

Hey Father, I am Catholic and also I am a gay man. I feel like I agree with most teachings of the church, but this issue is insurmountable for me. I want to fall in love and truly believe that I can have a healthy sexual relationship with a man. Why can't I have this? Also, why does the church insist on using the term "same sex attraction" as opposed to "gay" and "homosexual"?


Chastity Resources and Holy Friendships (27:33)

Hi Fr. Josh,

As a faithful Catholic who is struggles with same-sex attraction, do you recommend any books, resources, or Scripture passages that will help me become more convicted of the Church’s teaching on same-sex attraction? Also, what are practical ways for me to live out chastity in my daily life and have healthy same-sex friendships?


The Role of Pornography in our Sexuality (37:33)

Hi Fr. Josh,

What role does pornography play in our sexuality? How does one overcome a struggle with pornography? Do you recommend any resources?



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