Be Mary Before Becoming Martha

Be Mary Before Becoming Martha

Dr. Edward Sri

Are you a Martha or a Mary? Do you struggle to find moments to sit with Jesus in the midst of a busy day? In examining the story of Martha and Mary, Dr. Sri offers that we can find balance between the busyness of life and attentiveness to Jesus’ presence.

Snippet from the Show
Take a moment to pull back from the busyness of life and recall the holy presence of God.

Busy or Distracted

In Luke 10:38-42, you will find the story of Martha and Mary. In summary, Jesus comes to visit Mary and Martha, two sisters. Mary chooses to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to him speak. Meanwhile, Martha busies herself with serving and eventually goes to Jesus and complains that she is burdened and Mary is not helping her. Jesus responds to Mary by saying, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her."

Often, when this story is read, the question is posed, "Are you a Martha or a Mary?" Are you attentive to the Lord or are you making yourself too busy? However, there is more to Martha than just her being busy. She was also distracted. She lacked attentiveness to the Lord. It is entirely possible to be attentive to the Lord even in the midst of a busy life. We need to meet Jesus in the busyness of life.

Prayer First

In life, prayer must come first. In other words, we must strive to be like Mary first. We must strive for the attentiveness she exhibited when she sat at the feet of the Lord. This doesn't mean that we can't be busy like Martha. However, that busyness must be marked with an attentiveness to the presence of God.

3 Practical Tips
  1. Do an Examination of Conscience
    Ask yourself, "What is behind your drive to be so busy? Why are you filling your calendar? Do you seek validation in performance, success, or production? Perhaps, you have a fear of missing out. Or maybe, you believe that in order to be a good parent, you must allow your child to participate in every opportunity that comes their way.
  2. What can you cut back?
    Are there things in your life that you can cut back on? Perhaps, you have commitments or tasks that are not essential for you to hold onto.
  3. How can you withdraw from busyness?
    Find ways to pause in the midst of busyness. Find ways to recognize God's presence in your life.
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