3 Things to Do When God Feels Far Away

3 Things to Do When God Feels Far Away

Danielle Bean

Sometimes, because of unrest in the world or unrest in our souls or unrest in our personal lives, it can feel like God is far away. Where is God when we suffer a global pandemic, racial injustice, political violence, and war?

Wherever you are in your life, if you are feeling like God isn't there for you, God isn't with you, I invite you to read the passage of Jesus in the garden. He speaks these words when he felt alone: "Not my will, but your will be done."

We all sometimes feel that God is distant, or it is hard to see his presence in our lives. This week, I am sharing three things we can do when we feel God is far away.

  1. Pray.
    I know! This is a no-brainer, but sometimes we neglect our daily prayer times when we don’t have the consolation of good feelings associated with it. Make sure you are showing up, in good faith, for your daily time with God. You do not need to have anything fancy to say. Simply place yourself in his presence and open your heart to hear him.
  1. Read.
    Is there a spiritual work that greatly inspired you in the past? Pick it up again. Is there a new book that someone else recommends? Check it out. Or pick up your Bible and read from the Gospel stories or the Psalms. Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, fill your mind and heart with God’s word and inspiring thoughts.
  1. Reach out.
    God made us for connection. If we are feeling a lack of connection with God we are likely pulling away from others as well. In your time of “dryness,” God may be calling you to grow closer to your husband in your marriage, to your kids though your otherhood, or to connect with your friends, neighbors, co-workers or extended family in new and meaningful ways.

This week, I also answer reader Andrea’s question about making a plan for the summertime with few scheduled activities for kids and families. I also share about a new book I have written with Dan. The Manual for Marriage is a beautiful resource for every couple. In it, Dan and I share reflective essays on marriage and family life, but it also features a large collection of prayers, Scripture passages, hymns, and stories from the saints that will encourage and support you in your married relationship.

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