Editors' Choice: Fr. Mike Schmitz, Danielle Bean, and More
Here is Ascension’s editors’ choice for best new video, podcast, article, and product posted on our website over the past two weeks.
Is Homeschooling a Good Choice for Christian Families?
by Rachel Stella
Most opinions about homeschooling come from one’s own experiences with it (or with people who were homeschooled). These can be very positive, extremely negative, or anywhere between.
I was homeschooled all the way through the end of high school (except for driver’s ed at our public high school, which my state required to be taken through an approved venue) and I have generally positive associations. If I were a parent or guardian, I would do everything possible to homeschool my children at least through around age twelve. Read More …
Fr. Mike explains how God restores our brokenness, especially when it comes to our bodies.
So often, we find that the more precious a thing is, the more fragile it is. And when something precious is broken, we often think it’s become worthless. Like when we break a fragile teacup, we throw it away because it no longer has value.
But that’s not the way it is with our bodies. Watch video …
Here’s Why You’re Giving Up On Exercise
It’s that time of year when the thrill of setting our New Year health goals starts to wear off and we are in danger of giving up on exercise.
Let’s talk about how to deal with the temptation to throw in the towel, why you might be giving up on exercise, and how to make adjustments to reach your goals! Listen to podcast …
Filmed on location in the Holy Land, No Greater Love is a five-part video series and full-length book that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. Best-selling author Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ’s life in this biblical pilgrimage. Pre-order now (ships in time for Lent) …
Featured photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash