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My Life on the Rock, Revised Edition

My Life on the Rock, Revised Edition

by Jeff Cavins
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Over and over, readers have told us they couldn’t put this book down. My Life on the Rock, Jeff Cavins' modern-day prodigal son story, is one of the most intriguing and dramatic conversion stories in the Church today—a bittersweet story of an emotional and spiritual search for peace in a chaotic world.

The founding host of EWTN’s popular Life on the Rock program and creator of The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Program, Jeff spent twelve years as a Protestant pastor before returning to the Catholic Faith.

This is the perfect book for friends who have left the Church and for those who desire a powerful story of Catholic conversion.

Do you have a family member or friend who has left the Catholic Church in search of greener pastures? My Life on the Rock is such a story, the story of a young man who leaves no rock unturned in his pursuit of the truth. While reading this book you may laugh, you may cry, but you certainly will face the issues that also face those who have left or are contemplating leaving the Catholic Church. This is a must read for those with a hungry heart.
Archbishop Emeritus Harry J. Flynn
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Jeff Cavins' spiritual pilgrimage is quickly becoming one of the most well-known and inspiring stories of our time. We are all searching for meaning in our lives. Where did we come from, who are we, and what is the goal of life? In short, we are all in search for the narrative thread of our lives. My Life on the Rock is the story of one man’s quest for that narrative thread. How Jeff found it will not only inspire you, but also help equip you to be a better witness to others.
Archbishop Robert Carlson
Archdiocese of St. Louis

I have been asked many times to recommend a book or tape to give to a loved one who has left the Catholic Church. My Life on the Rock is definitely on my recommendation list. What makes Jeff’s story so appealing is that it deals with both the theological and emotional issues related to returning to the Catholic Church.
The Late Bishop Paul V. Dudley

Jeff’s conversion story is an inspiration for any Christian who longs to be faithful to God’s Word. Read how Jeff re-discovered the Catholic Church as the only context in which the Bible truly comes to life. You’ll be glad you did!
Scott Hahn, Ph.D.



SKU: 9780965922838
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.939 lb
Dimensions: L: 8.5, W: 5.5, D: 0.5336
Page Count: 232
Case Count: 40
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Mar 01, 2002
Copyright Year: 2002
Author(s): Jeff Cavins
Series: My Life on The Rock
Language: English


E-Book (.epub)

SKU: 9781934217931
Format: epub
Weight: 0.939 lb
Page Count: 232
Publisher: Ascension
Publication Date: Mar 01, 2002
Copyright Year: 2002
Author(s): Jeff Cavins
Series: My Life on The Rock
Language: English
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