Before you go...

Now that you have a visual overview, make sure you don't miss all the truth and beauty.

With the The Catechism at a Glance Chart, you'll always have an overview of the topics and sources of the Catechism.

But in order to fully understand the Church's teachings, you'll need to dive deeper into the Catechism itself.

To help Catholics read and understand the Catechism, we've developed the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ascension Edition.

On every single page, it has color-coded resources to help you identify major teachings, understand difficult words, and see where key teachings come from.

Thousands of Catholics say it is the Catechism that helped them finally understand what the Church teaches and why.

Two books about the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


A must have resource.

"This is a must in every Catholic house. It has real answers to our questions, and they are answered with the Bible and 2000 years of tradition. This edition is beautiful and easy to use."

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This is treasure

"I was a lapsed Catholic, feeling confused about what I believed. For the past two months I've been faithfully listening/reading the Catechism, and it has guided me back to full communion with the Catholic Church, and to a full appreciation of what a TREASURE the Catholic Faith is. I feel like the man who found a treasure in the field and bought the whole field for joy. I get it now!"

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