Would you like the videos for the study as well?

A Biblical Walk Through the mass also has a five-part video series, featuring Dr. Edward Sri. The videos will help you get so much more from the study. They are available through our online platform, as well as on DVD.

(If you would like the videos on DVD, we'd recommend simply buying the Starter Pack, you'll get the Study Set materials, the chart, the DVDs, as wells as Online Access and save some money).

Online Video Access

Your Price: $5.95

 Starter Pack Includes:

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Book ($14.99*)

Printed Copy of the A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Workbook ($24.95*)

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Online Video Access ($5.95*)

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass DVD Set ($74.95*)

*Cost of each item if purchased individually

Total Value: $120.84 /  Your Price: $99.95

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