Now that you have the Ascension App...

Arm Yourself with the Resources Bible in a Year Listeners Love

Now that you have the Ascension App, you have the absolute best way to listen to The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schimtz)™ podcast.

This incredible show hit #1 on the charts for a reason. It has been transforming people's lives.

Along the way, our listeners have shared with us some of the things they found helpful as they dove deeper into God's Word.

They wanted a read along with the exact same Bible that Fr. Mike uses, The Great Adventure Catholic Bible.

They loved the Bible tabs that made it easy to quickly flip to the right section of Scripture and more easily navigate the Bible.

They appreciated having a copy of The Bible Timeline Chart on hand to give them a clear visual overview of salvation history that made it easy to see the different time periods.

They wanted to have Fr. Mike's reflections in a written format that they could read (many of them found that reading the reflections in addition to listening to them helped them "stick" more), so we created the three volumes of our Bible in a Year Companions.

Throughout the 365 days of Bible in a Year, Father freuqently refers to the fanstasic book Walking With God: A Journey through the Bible, so you'll want to pick up a copy of that as well.

And they wanted to have somewhere to write down their thoughts and what the Lord was saying to them as they listened and read Scripture, so we brought out The Bible in a Year Notebook.

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Curious where you can listen to the podcast? Lots of places! Click the links on the names below to go to that platform.

👉 Interested in discussing the Bible in a Year with like-minded Catholics? Click here to join our Facebook group to talk with thousands of other Catholics going through the podcast!

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