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Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed

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Drive Home the Importance of the Mass to Your Teens
BEFORE They Drift Away from the Faith

The news is sobering.

In America, we’re seeing a steep dropoff in Christianity.

Take a look for yourself.

(That red line above is "Practicing Christian.")

According to Barna, in 2009, 50% of Americans identified as “Practicing Christian.”

In 2020?

Half of that.


In ten years.

Only 25% said that “faith is very important in their lives and have attended church within the past month.”

Sadly, this news isn’t that surprising.

It was only recently that we heard about a Pew Study that revealed only 31% of Catholics believe in Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist.

So what is going on here?

Are we seeing Catholics outright reject the Church’s teaching?


If you look closely at the Pew Study, you’ll see something else.

“Most Catholics who believe that the bread and wine are symbolic do not know that the church holds that transubstantiation occurs.”

It’s hard to value what you don’t understand.

This is wonderful news!

This is remarkably exciting!

With so many in our country who simply don’t know what the Church teaches, we have a tremendous opportunity!

By presenting the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist and the Mass in a clear and compelling way, we can begin to turn the tide.

We can clearly see that those who know what the Church teaches are more likely to believe it.

And those who believe in Christ’s presence in the Eucharist are more likely to value the Mass as their opportunity to receive him.

This is why we created Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed.

In the program, Mark Hart shares his testimony about the Eucharist.

He shares how a single moment of openness allowed God to enter his heart and his life in a powerful and transformative way.

Your teens can experience that for themselves.

Take the next step and order a Starter Pack for Altaration today.

When you do, we’ll immediately send you:

  • One Altaration DVD Set that provides five lessons (approximately 20 minutes each) and features some of the top Catholic youth presenters in the Church today, including Mark Hart, Jackie Francois Angel, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Chris Stefanick, and Fr. Josh Johnson.
  • One Altaration Student Workbook that includes starter stories, group questions, prayers, weekly challenges, and more.
  • And one Altaration Leader’s Guide that includes the entire content of the Student Workbook, plus a program overview, planning and scheduling resources, leader’s notes, session overviews and objectives, and much more.

When you see the program in its entirety, we know you’ll agree: this will help your teens appreciate the Mass.

And when they appreciate the Mass, they come more often.

And they’re fed more often.

Their faith will grow and spread to others as they receive the grace to live out their call to discipleship.

Click the button below and request your review pack today.

There is NO RISK to you.

If you order the Altaration Starter Pack and find you don’t like it, just contact us for a full refund on the cost of your item.

There is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Order your copy now with zero risk.

But we are confident that once you take a look you’ll agree with the thousands of parishes who love Altaration:

So go ahead.

Click the button below and order your Starter Pack today.

The Altaration Starter Pack

The Starter Pack provides all three resources a leader needs for the Altaration experience! It contains one DVD Set, one Leader’s Guide, one Student Workbook.