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The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume I

The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume I

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Get even more out of The Bible in a Year!

The Bible in a Year Companion guide takes Catholics through the award-winning podcast The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)™ including daily summaries, transcripts of Fr. Mike’s daily prayers, and extra content for each episode.

It’s the perfect way to remember what you’re hearing, as well as learn even more about each part of Scripture!

The Companion presents daily content for each episode of the podcast, including:

  • The proprietary Bible in a Year Reading Plan
  • Summary of the key points and highlights of Fr. Mike’s commentary on the daily readings
  • "Take It to Prayer", where Catholics will be able to pray the daily prayer alongside Fr. Mike and the rest of the BIY community
  • Unique content surrounding each day’s readings, from images and Q&As to prayer prompts and ways to live out the Scriptures in real life

In addition to the daily content, each time period will have a Time Period Introduction and Review. Written by Jeff Cavins, these will help Catholics to know what to look for in the days ahead, and to recall what has happened in the days completed.

From Fr. Mike’s introduction: 

“I believe that this Bible in a Year Companion is a great tool to take you deeper. It is one thing to be exposed to the Story, but it is another to remember it. This Companion will help those who are so quick to forget—which is all of us! … In this world, where we are so tempted toward distraction and distress, we now have a resource to understand how the story of salvation unfolds and how we can fit into that story today.

“Now, we have a place to remember.”

Volume I of The Bible in a Year Companion covers Days 1–120 of The Bible in a Year podcast.

For Days 121–243, see Volume II. For Days 244-365, see Volume III.

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This sought-after guide to the award-winning podcast The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)™ is coming to you thanks to many collaborators including:

  • Fr. Mike Schmitz
  • Jeff Cavins
  • Bobby Semendy
  • Members of the Ascension Catholic Bible Studies Facebook group
  • Lavinia Spirito
  • Ritmeyer Archaeological Design
  • & many more!



Paperback / English

SKU: 9781950784998
ISBN: 9781950784998
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.69 lb
Dimensions: L: 6, W: 9, D: 0.667
Page Count: 272
Case Count: 30
Publisher: Ascension
Author(s): Jeff Cavins, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Lavinia Spirito
Series: The Bible in a Year Companion
Language: English


Paperback / Spanish

SKU: 9781954881686
ISBN: 9781954881686
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.69 lb
Dimensions: L: 6, W: 9, D: 0.612
Page Count: 272
Case Count: 32
Publisher: Ascension
Series: The Bible in a Year Companion
Language: Spanish


E-Book / English

SKU: 9781954881013
Weight: 0.69 lb
Language: English
View full details

Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
Great job with Companion series

I finished Bible in a year and sometime in November I saw the advertisement for the BIY com[anion books sa. I ordered the first volume. After receiving the book and reviewing it I wished I had known about this at the beginning of my Journey through the Bible.. I love that there is room at the bottom of the pages for personal notes, thoughts and ideas. I have mentioned the Companion series to friends that have taken or still taking the BIY journey and they say the same thing they wished they would have ad the companion when the began BIY program. I see why it is called the companion...Great job.

Amanda B.
Great addition to listening to the Podcast

Great addition to BIY. Structurally, the book is very stiff and hard to open. It would’ve been nice in a spiral binding, especially as an avid note taker. Note writing space would’ve been great too but otherwise a great book

Billy W.
Very convenience

This book is more convenient than jotting down your notes during podcasts. I read them after listening to the podcasts. This is my first year at BIY. It would be great to have a companion for the Catechism as well.

Tim M.
Bible companion

Concise and to the point.
Shipping charge is outrageous.

So glad I bought Companion

I am a note-taker; it helps me understand, remember, and internalize Sacred Scripture. A prior attempt to keep up with The Bible in a Year podcast met with limited success so I planned to start over from the beginning in January. My friend sent me a screenshot sample of an early page in her Companion, Vol. 1. It was nearly identical to my notes! That's when I knew having the BIY Companion volumes throughout this year would be crucial for me. So far, so good! Thank you for the excellent study aid of my BIY Companion.