Accessing Your Study After a Purchase

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When you buy your materials from Ascension, we'll get you access to the online content as soon as possible. Here's all you need to do, in Three Steps:

  • Step One: Buy your materials

      • Buy your materials at, and we'll send you an email in a few minutes with a link to the online content
      • If you're buying in bulk for multiple people at once, please click HERE to see instructions for accessing the content.
  • Step Two: Check Your Mail, and Create an Account
    • You'll receive an email from us welcoming you to the course and providing a link to access the course contentWelcome Email For Video Access
  • The first time you click that link, you may have to create a password on the site (to make it easier, you can choose the same password you use at

      • After that, you just click "Sign in" to move to your dashboard
      • For future reference, you can bookmark that page on your browser, or save that email with the link, or return to the page by going to
    • Step Three: View the Course Materials
      • When you sign in, you'll come to your dashboard
      • If you are registered for more than one course, they will all be listed here
    Student Dashboard 
      • To view the course content click Start Course (or Resume Course) for the course you want to view.
      • Once in the course, first, you'll see the Getting Started page, which will provide and overview of the course, and possibly an introduction video. Make sure to scroll down through the whole page to read or view all the content for that session before hitting "Complete and Continue" to move to the next session.
        • The image above shows how a course is laid out on a desktop computer. There is always a table of contents on the left where you can move back and forth between sessions, while the content for each session is on the right. But phones, tablets and some laptops may have a narrow screen, and the table of contents may not fit on these screens. 
        • If you would like to move to another session and don't see that table of contents, (as shown below), you may instead see 3 black lines in the upper right corner.  Simply click these lines to bring up the table of contents
      • For every session, everything you need will be in the content area. First, you will see a description of the session, then you can scroll down and watch the video
    Session One Video 
      • Scroll down below the video to see the workbook content, such as Study Questions

      • Additional content, such as Responses to the Study Questions, may be found below the Questions, so you get the entirety of the workbook for each session!

      • When you're finished, you can click "Complete & Continue" to move to the next session, but remember, you can always use the Table of Contents Menu to return to previously viewed Sessions. Access to your study will last for one year from the day you enroll.